2023-24 Club Fundraiser
Rock 'N Roll Bingo
Grab a babysitter and join us at Chesterfield Hockey’s Annual Fundraiser and Silent Auction in the upstairs Falcon’s Nest! This is an adults only event.
- When:
- -Saturday, December 2, 2023
- -Doors Open at 6:00 p.m.
- -Bingo Starts at 7:00 p.m.
- Where:
- -Maryville University Hockey Center Falcon’s Nest Bar
- -18383 Chesterfield Airport Road
- -Chesterfield, MO 63005
- What:
- Rock ‘N Roll Bingo is bingo, but not as you know it! The numbers have been replaced with the names of singers and bands, and the caller has been replaced with rapid-fire song clips. Players must identify the artists on their bingo card to win! Prizes awarded to winners!
- Cost:
- -$50/person which includes dinner, beer, wine, soda and Rock ‘N Roll Bingo cards
- -Or reserve a table of 10 with your friends for $750 - (which includes the above PLUS Pizza, Wings & 2 buckets of beer at your table)
- -Awesome silent and live auction available at event
- -50/50 raffle
- Sponsorships:
- -Gold Sponsor $500 – name/logo displayed on all event material, on sponsor wall and in event program
- -Silver Sponsor $200 – name/logo on sponsor wall and in event program
- -Bronze Sponsor $100 – name/logo in event program
Raffle Opportunity
Want a chance to win a version 3 SPARX skate sharpener? Includes SPARX beam, grinding rings, starter set, $100 SPARX gift card. Value over $1,200.
Tickets are on sale now via VENMO @Maryvilleuhc AND will also be on sale starting Nov 3rd at the front desk of the Maryville University Hockey Center.
- $20 - 1 Ticket
- $50 - 3 Tickets
Drawing to be held at the fundraiser on December 2nd.
Please reach out to Natalie Hartwig
After clicking the button, the next screen will ask you to pick a child. Just note this is a limitation of the CrossBar system. Pick any of your children, then tell us your info on the next screen. Remember this is an Adults Only night.